New offer Launched: VPN Affiliate Program

Published : 17 Jun 2021 author : Indoleads Bot
What is VPN Affiliate Program VPN Affiliate Program is a popular CPA Affiliate Program. Hide.meVPN is one of the most effective VPN services on the market, providing reliable encryption of users’ traffic and transferring through a secured connection. The users can be sure: they can browse the Internet freely and safely, because their data is not revealed to anyone. That’s why your audience definitely needs to see VPN Affiliate Offer. Joining VPN Affiliate Marketing Campaign, lets your visitors access to one of the strongest VPN services. Earn VPN Affiliate Commission and start monetizing your website.
About VPN was founded in 2012 to provide Internet security and freedom for every Internet user. Founders themselves felt the urge for using the Internet freely and safely without feeling being spied on. As users, they felt stifled by the increasing levels of restrictions, monitoring, and fraud. So, being tech geeks, they put their heads together to find a way for people to enjoy the Internet without worrying about these issues. After looking around at the market, they quickly realised that such services were either too expensive or incapable of providing a level of security that would alleviate those problems. And that was how the story of VPN began.
The company guarantees that they do not and cannot keep record of their users’ data. Having submitted their system to independent security analysts for auditing, they have been certified as a log-free service. Furthermore, they purposefully set up their headquarters in a jurisdiction that cannot, by law, request to record users’ data.
Using VPN is absolutely safe, as the company believes that their users’ trust in them is the biggest asset and does everything to make their users presence on the web truly anonymous. VPN was amongst the first VPN providers in 2013 who published a transparency report detailing the different kinds of data requests they receive from various organizations and authorities. Anyone can download the transparency report from their website and have a detailed look at all the data requests they have received since their inception (2013) until 2020.
Why would anyone want to use VPN? The answer is as obvious as if anyone would ask: why do you want to do what you want to do? The freedom. The freedom of browsing anything you want, freedom of using the websites you’ve always loved using in any country no matter the restrictions there, the freedom of having your data secured and unrevealed. Aren’t these reasons enough? VPN creates a secure tunnel using powerful VPN protocols, hides users’ original IP behind one of its own and encrypts all the communication that passes through the secure tunnel allowing users to surf the web freely.
To understand the value of a VPN, it helps to think of some specific scenarios in which a VPN might be used. Consider the public Wi-Fi network, perhaps at a coffee shop or airport. Normally, you might connect without a second thought. But do you know who might be watching the traffic on that network? Can you even be sure the Wi-Fi network is legit, or might it be operated by some nefarious individual? If you connect to that same public Wi-Fi network using a VPN, you can rest assured that no one on that network will be able to see what you’re up to—not other users snooping around for would-be victims, nor even the operators of the network itself. This last point is particularly important, and everyone should keep in mind that it’s very difficult to tell whether or not a Wi-Fi network is what it appears to be. The only remedy possible is VPN, and VPN is a perfect solution to feel safe while browsing the web.
That’s the reason why your audience needs a stable VPN and they will love this offer. Ready to promote VPN? Just join Indoleads and start earning like a pro! For more affiliate programs like VPN, visit Indoleads Affiliate Program Marketplace.
eCPC – 67.9875$
Hold period – 30day(s)
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CR – 12.5%
Cookie lifetime – 365day(s)
Landing pages – Yes
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