New offer launched: Trocafy Brazil Affiliate Program

Details of the offer

Trocafy logo

CPA 6%  
Comissão para as encomendas válidas. Validade: 30 dias. 


CPA 6%  
Commision for the valid orders. Validation: 30 days. 
GEO: Brazil
eCPC 0.0000
Hold period 60
Banners Yes
Deeplinking No
Promocodes No
CR 0
Cookie lifetime 15day(s)
Landing pages No
XML/CSV feed No

Traffic restrictions

Paid search (Brand) Forbidden
PPC (no brand) Forbidden
SEO Allow
Emails Allow
Popunder/Clickunder Forbidden
Reachmedia Forbidden
Teaser Networks Forbidden
Retargeting Forbidden
Display Traffic Allow
Google Display Allow
Coupons Allow
Cashbacks Allow
Incentive Forbidden
Social Media Allow
Websites Allow
Context ads Forbidden
Re-brokering Forbidden
Push Notification Allow
Native ads Allow
Facebook Display Allow
Doorways Forbidden
Toolbar Allow


Trocafy was created with the purpose of bringing technology within everyone's reach. We believe that all technology can and should be renewed and shared. That a durable product is like new, in excellent condition and performance, has value for those who buy and advantages for those who sell. Therefore, we created a simple and secure platform that evaluates, buys, certifies and sells verified pre-owned devices so that you can make your dreams come true, choosing an intelligent and sustainable path. Segment: Technology Targeting: Brazil Type: CPA Commission: 5% Attribution: Lastclick Available formats: Coupon, Cashback, Display, Retargeting, Push and Indirect Search. Cookie time: 15 days Restrictions: Site Under and Search direct