New offer launched: Chegg WW - ADM World Wide Affiliate Program
Details of the offer

Chegg Study - Direct First Subscription - 2.50-83.30%, 0.00USD
Traffic restrictions
All campaigns are global asides from the TextBook campaign whereby it only operates within the USA.
We provide accessible resources that are online, affordable, and available 24 hours a day to the modern student such as, etextbooks, study help, writing help, math help, practice problems, flashcards, and more.
All campaigns are global asides from the TextBook campaign whereby it only operates within the USA.
Bidding on in the pay-per-click Programs on keywords such as, chegg, Chegg coupons, Chegg Discounts, www.Chegg,, Chegg Study, Chegg Study Pack, Chegg StudyPack, CheggStudyPack, Chegg Writing, CheggWriting, and/or any misspellings or similar alterations of these – be it separately or in a combination with any other keywords - is strictly prohibited. Using “doorway pages” in such instances or overall as part of Chegg promotional activities is also strictly prohibited.
The commercial purpose of your marketing efforts must be clearly identifiable. You shall not disguise your affiliate marketing efforts as consumer recommendations or as similar noncommercial message. You agree that converted end users will see coupon/deal/savings information and details before an ‘affiliate cookie’ is set (i.e. “click here to see coupons and open a window to the Chegg website” is NOT allowed).
Chegg actively monitors traffic for fraud. If we detect fraud, your account will be made inactive pending further investigation. If you fraudulently add leads or clicks or inflate leads or clicks by fraudulent traffic generation (as determined solely by Chegg) your account will be terminated. We flag accounts that: Have click-through rates that are much higher than industry averages and where solid justification is not evident. Have ONLY click programs generating clicks with no indication by site traffic that it can sustain the clicks reported. Have shown fraudulent leads as determined by our clients. Use fake redirects, automated software, and/or fraud to generate clicks or leads from our programs.
You represent and warrant that: Your Media is in compliance with all applicable laws and does not (and will not) contain, incorporate or promote, nor link to another website that contains any content or materials that are violent, obscene, defamatory, libelous, slanderous abusive, volent, prejudicial, harassing, obscene, threatening, harmful and/or otherwise illegal content; Your Media will not promote gambling, including without limitation, any online casino, sports books, bingo, or poker; You agree not to send Unsolicited Commercial Email (i.e., SPAM). You cannot post any specific messages to newsgroups, chat rooms, bulletin boards or any other places.
You can find and download the list of negative keywords here