New offer launched: AirAsia World Wide Affiliate Program

Details of the offer

AirAsia logo
Airasia Ride (MY) - EC - 0.22 CPA Standard Rate
Within a 30-day cookie period, you will get 0.22 CPA for referring conversions with this configuration.

Airasia Ride (MY) - NC - 0.45 CPA Standard Rate
Within a 30-day cookie period, you will get 0.45 CPA for referring conversions with this configuration.

Airasia Ride (Bali) - NC - 0.45 CPA Standard Rate
Within a 30-day cookie period, you will get 0.45 CPA for referring conversions with this configuration.

Airasia Ride (TH) - 0.45 CPA Standard Rate
Within a 30-day cookie period, you will get 0.45 CPA for referring conversions with this configuration.

Flights Global (airasia routes) (App and Web) - 2% CPA Standard Rate
Within a 30-day cookie period, you will get 2% CPA for referring conversions with this configuration.

0% CPA Default Rate
Your default rate is 0% CPA

GEO: World Wide
eCPC 0.0000
Hold period 60
Banners Yes
Deeplinking Yes
Promocodes Yes
CR 0
Cookie lifetime 30day(s)
Landing pages Yes
XML/CSV feed No

Traffic restrictions

Paid search (Brand) Forbidden
PPC (no brand) Allow
SEO Allow
Emails Allow
Popunder/Clickunder Allow
Reachmedia Allow
Teaser Networks Allow
Retargeting Forbidden
Display Traffic Allow
Google Display Allow
Coupons Allow
Cashbacks Allow
Incentive Allow
Social Media Allow
Websites Allow
Context ads Allow
Re-brokering Allow
Push Notification Allow
Native ads Allow
Facebook Display Allow
Doorways Allow
Toolbar Allow


AirAsia Berhad is a Malaysian multinational low-cost airline headquartered near Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It is the largest airline in Malaysia by fleet size and destinations. AirAsia Group operates scheduled domestic and international flights to more than 165 destinations spanning 25 countries.