New offer launched: Croma India Affiliate Program

Details of the offer

Croma logo

Category / Current Croma Commission

Rs. 45 /transaction (avg ASP ~45-50K) [Oneplus/Realme/Redmi/Samsung] 
Rs. 90/transaction (avg ASP 15-20K) [Oppo/Vivo/Nokia..]  
NA on Apple – Iphones

Laptops/desktop 4.95%

Tablets/e-readers 3.15%

Audio 3.15%

Home/Kitchen Appliances 6.3%

Accessories (Computer) 3.15%

Accessories (Mobile) 3.15%

Large Appliances (inc. AC/WM/Ref/Dryer) 4.5%

TV/LED 3.6%

Personal Care/Grooming 3.15%

Camera 2.25%

Gaming 2.25%

Wearable 3.15%

GEO: India
eCPC 0.0000
Hold period 70
Banners Yes
Deeplinking Yes
Promocodes No
CR 0
Cookie lifetime 12day(s)
Landing pages No
XML/CSV feed No

Traffic restrictions

Paid search (Brand) Forbidden
PPC (no brand) Forbidden
SEO Forbidden
Emails Allow
Popunder/Clickunder Forbidden
Reachmedia Forbidden
Teaser Networks Forbidden
Retargeting Forbidden
Display Traffic Allow
Google Display Forbidden
Coupons Allow
Cashbacks Allow
Incentive Need approval
Social Media Forbidden
Websites Allow
Context ads Forbidden
Re-brokering Allow
Push Notification Forbidden
Native ads Forbidden
Facebook Display Forbidden
Doorways Forbidden
Toolbar Forbidden


Launched in 2006, Croma was the first one-of-its kind large format specialist retail store that catered to all multi-brand digital gadgets and home electronic needs in India. Over a decade since its inception, Croma has almost become synonymous for all electronics needs, with its tech-savvy staff, product range, Staged presence and the will to help customers.