APAC Affiliate Program

How can you benefit from our CPA affiliate program?
Did you know that have over 510,000 hotels in their database? This is one of the largest hotel booking services in the world. Their offers are available in over 35 languages for over 85 countries worldwide. It’s easy to search and book hotels and the visitors can be sure that they get the best value for money with their Price Guarantee. They offer rewards and benefits for frequent bookings and even a 1 free night stay! is one our top advertisers that always bring great deals for our affiliates. With their summer sale discounts of up to 40%, travelers can book a perfect vacation until 28.08.2018.
The CPA affiliate program is the perfect way to monetize your traffic. It’s easy to implement and start earning commissions. They offer high payouts and have frequent promotions that will keep your conversions spiking!
We expect really good conversion rates for this summer sale, as this is one of our top advertisers that have brought countless earning for our affiliates. Join in and reap all the benefits of the offer.