New offer Launched: Western Union DE Affiliate Program

What is Western Union Affiliate Program
Western Union Affiliate Program is a popular Financial Affiliate Program. Western Union is a global leader in money transfer services. If your audience is interested in money transfer services, don’t look twice, Western Union Affiliate Offer is for you. Joining Western Union Affiliate Program, lets your visitors access one of the most popular services which helps anyone send money almost anywhere in the world. Earn a Western Union Commission and start monetizing your traffic!
About Western Union
The Western Union Company is an American multinational financial services company, headquartered in Denver, Colorado. It was founded in 1851, and now is one of the most prominent companies in the money transfer segment. It is now the second largest money transfer provider in the world.
Money can be sent online or in-person at Western Union agent locations. Cash can be collected in person at any other Western Union agent location worldwide by providing the 10-digit MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number) and identification. In some cases, a secret question and answer can be used instead of identification.
In October 2007, Western Union announced plans to introduce a mobile money-transfer service with the GSM Association, a global trade association representing more than 700 mobile operators in 218 countries and covering 2.5 billion mobile subscribers. The proliferation of mobile phones in developed and developing economies provides a widely accessible consumer device capable of delivering mobile financial services ranging from text notifications associated with Western Union cash delivery services to phone-based remittance options. Western Union’s mobile money transfer service offering will connect its core money-transfer platform to m-bank or m-wallet platforms provided by mobile operators and/or locally regulated financial institutions.
The company launched the Western Union Connect service in October 2015, following partnership agreements with major instant messaging apps WeChat and Viber. The partnership allows users of WeChat to send up to $100 to China, the US and 200 other countries, while Viber users can send up to $100 for $3.99 plus exchange rate fees, with that fixed fee increasing the more money is sent up a limit of $499.
Western Union has built significant scale in the money transfer business. It has about 500,000 locations in over 200 countries around the world. Customers can send money by phone, through the Western Union website, or in person. Fees depend on a long list of factors, including the form of payment used, how fast the money is delivered, whether it is paid in cash or wired to a bank, where it is sent from, and where it is delivered. The company is transforming and focusing on developing an omni-channel approach that includes retail, web and mobile. Western Union wants to expand into new markets with e-commerce and other digital products with a goal of reaching customers with a more tailored and personalized experience.
It’s simple to transfer cash abroad with the Western Union. Customers can send money internationally to over 8 billion bank accounts, over 500,000 agent locations for fast cash pickup or to thousands of mobile wallets:
North America: Within the US and to Mexico, Jamaica, Haiti, Canada and more
South America: Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Dominican – Republic, Honduras and more
Europe: France, UK, Spain, Germany, Italy, Russia and more
Africa: Ghana, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Senegal, DRC and more
Asia: The Philippines, China, India, Pakistan, Turkey, Thailand and more
Australia and New Zealand
Money transfer to mobile wallets is available for some international locations. Western Union also offers reliable money transfers and cash pickup for overseas US military bases.
Western Union provides excellent money transfer services. Western Union Affiliate Program is a great program if your audience wants to send money within their country or abroad. Western Union Affiliate Offer is a brilliant choice for you as a publisher. Just sign up at Indoleads and start earning real money with our amazing offers! For more affiliate programs like Western Union, visit Indoleads Affiliate Program Marketplace.