New offer Launched: Casa e Vídeo Affiliate Program

Published : 23 Oct 2023   author : Indoleads Bot

What is the Casa&Video Affiliate Program

Insider Store Affiliate Program is a popular eCommerce Affiliate Program (Payment Model: CPS). This offer is only for Brazil GEO. Casa&Video is a Brazilian retail chain and an online store that specializes in selling a wide range of products for the home, including electronics, appliances, furniture, housewares, and other related items. The company has since grown to become one of the largest home appliance and electronics retailers in Brazil.

If your audience is in Brazil, the Casa&Video Affiliate Program is the perfect choice. Joining the Casa&Video Affiliate Marketing Campaign, lets your visitors access an online store with a variety of electronics and homeware. Earn Casa&Video’s Commissions and get the most out of affiliate marketing

About Casa&Video

When it comes to shopping for products for the home, convenience and variety are key. Casa&Video, a retail chain in Brazil, has been making life easier for customers across the country since its establishment in 2009. As one of the largest home appliance and electronics retailers in Brazil, Casa&Video has become the go-to destination for everything you need to enhance and equip your living space. No wonder, its online store has become the same as even not more popular than brick-and-mortar stores.

Tech enthusiasts will find themselves in paradise at Casa&Video. The store offers a comprehensive range of electronic gadgets and appliances, including high-quality televisions, audio systems, and an array of other electronic devices. Casa&Video recognizes the importance of household appliances in simplifying daily routines. From washing machines and refrigerators to kitchen gadgets and climate control systems, the store offers an extensive selection of appliances to make your life more comfortable and efficient.

Creating a beautiful and comfortable home involves more than just electronics and appliances. Casa&Video also offers a range of furniture and housewares, making it easier to decorate your living spaces to your heart’s content.

Why do thousands of people choose Casa&Video?

  • Convenience

Online shopping with Casa&Video allows you to browse and purchase products from the comfort of your home, eliminating the need for travel and in-store shopping.

  • Extensive Product Range

Casa&Video’s online store offers a vast selection of products, including electronics, appliances, furniture, housewares, and more. 

  • Accessibility

Regardless of your location in Brazil, you can access Casa&Video’s online store, which makes it convenient for customers from various regions to shop for their home essentials.

  • Detailed Product Information

Product listings on the online store typically include detailed descriptions, specifications, and customer reviews, helping you make informed purchasing decisions.

  • Customer Support

Customers can usually reach out to Casa&Video’s customer support team for assistance, whether it’s about product inquiries, order tracking, or any other concerns.

How to make money with the Casa&Video Affiliate Program?

Casa&Video Affiliate Program allows you to earn money by promoting their products or services. Join the affiliate program on Indoleads, generate your affiliate link and promote Casa&Video’s products. You can do this by writing posts related to their products, and include affiliate links or you can create videos showcasing Casa&Video products with affiliate links in the description. Once new users who click on your affiliate links buy something in the store, you get paid a commission.

Why you should sign up for the Casa&Video Affiliate Program

Casa&Video is one of the most popular online shopping destinations for Brazilians. Thousands of people already shop here regularly, that’s why the Casa&Video Affiliate Program will be a perfect offer for you as a publisher. The Casa&Video Affiliate Offer can be truly profitable. Just sign up at Indoleads and experience all the perks of affiliate marketing! For more affiliate programs like Casa&Video, please visit Indoleads Catalog.

eCPC – 0.0000$
Hold period – 45day(s)
Banners – Yes
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Promocodes – No
CR – 0%
Cookie lifetime – 30day(s)
Landing pages – Yes
XML/CSV feed – No