(ID) Sumber Traffic/Lalu Lintas Affiliate Marketing: Panduan Definitif

There are hundreds and hundreds of different traffic sources, and as you understand it’s a big plus, no matter who you are, an advertiser or an affiliate, everyone will find the sources of traffic for certain goals.
Let’s examine each of them separately!
1. Mainstream Traffic
This is a kind of traffic that the overall population can be exposed too. The best way to describe Mainstream Traffic, is to address that it is the type of traffic that can be seen by all the general population. Basically, mainstream traffic ads consist of “PG-13” rated ads that no one would be offended by. Due to their mild rating, these ads correspond to just about a billion offers you can work with. These are PG-13 advertisements, so there is a myriad of offers you can deal with: eCommerce, Travel, Dating, Mobile Content, etc.)
2. Adult traffic
It is what it is, basically, any offer that’s possibly related with adult content, such as adult dating, adult videos, adult glamour, etc. Adult entertainment is a 100-billion-dollar industry and definitely a piece of cake for earning a big dollar, if used wisely of course.
3. Search Traffic
Search traffic simply describes traffic that comes from search engines. As Google being the biggest search engine, we will mostly focus on it. While Google is the most visited website on earth, there are other online traffic sources for search traffic out there. You could promote on Yahoo, Bing, Baidu, Gigablast, DuckDuckGo, etc. When it comes to search traffic, there are two different types you should make yourself familiar with:
– Organic Traffic
– Paid Ads or PPC
– Organic Traffic
It is free traffic that comes from search engines, and it is absolutely high-class among traffic sources. There is hands down times and times higher possibility of a successful conversion if users come to you from Google’s organic search listing than from a paid ad.
– Paid Ads/PPC
Paid Ads directly correlate with Google Adwords, an advertising service created for businesses who want to display advertisements on Google. Paid ads function with the help of Google AdWords, which permits you to publish ads on Google. Google AdWords can offer you instruments for outstandingly efficient campaigns, but nevertheless it just can’t stand on par with online traffic.
4. URL Shortening Tools
Such instruments can make URL shorter, although people will still be directed to the page they would like to visit. When people open the link, they are exposed to five secs of an ad. Afterwards, they are offered to skip an ad and go on to the shortened URL. That’s called Interstitial Advertising.
5. Social Traffic
Social traffic is the one which brings you clients from social networks and helps you monetize. Traffic sources such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and Pinterest are gaining serious money. When it comes to social traffic, targeting is absolutely key. You could target based on location, demographics, age, interests, etc. Facebook, for example, has an incredible targeting algorithm, and provides very detailed data on your return reports.
6. Mobile Traffic
When affiliates refer to mobile as a traffic source, it means advertising on cellphones. Mobile is the fastest growing traffic source. It is important to keep in mind that that plenty of traffic sources like Facebook and Google have desktop and mobile traffic. However, always separate these two types, because they convert differently. It can be tough to make sure that your banner ad, for example, is being displayed correctly on all the different smartphone platforms out there.
Mobile traffic usually includes the following:
– pop-unders
– redirects (which means that people land on a particular URL and are immediately redirected to your lender)
– push notifications
– banner or display
7. Push-up notifications
It is a small pop-up box which appears when you open a website. Push-notifications help to collect contact information about users and get feedback from interested users. An example of using it is a pop-up on many informational sources encouraging users to allow to send notifications with news. A person who has agreed to see notifications will see pop-ups in the right bottom corner of the screen (like notifications that you have received a new email) with the link which you can click an open the message.
The cool thing about push-notifications is that it is hard to ignore them, unlike emails. As a result, Open Rate is usually up to 90%, Click Rate is around 30%. The most suitable business models and categories here are deals, coupons, cashback, leads generation, especially subscription to news portals.
One of the drawbacks of push-notifications is that the message should be short and there are few business models which are possible to monetize with CPA through push-notification (websites with promo codes, deals and cashback as well as content projects). Keep in mind that users are easily annoyed with the abundance of such notifications and continuous pop-ups will be blocked.
Final thoughts
As you see, there are so many awesome internet traffic sources that can effectively help you promote and monetize your ads. However, it is essential to do your research, and find a traffic source that will best fit your own goals and bring you great affilite income even in the “slow season“. And we at Indoleads will be happy to help you out!