Đề nghị mới được đưa ra: Galleon (PH) - INV Philippines Chương trình liên kết

Chi tiết về ưu đãi

Galleon (PH) - INV logo
Galleon (PH) - INV: Commission: 9.1%
GEO: Philippines
eCPC 0.0000
Giữ khoảng thời gian 65
Băng rôn No
Liên kết sâu Yes
Mã số quảng Yes
CR 0
Thời gian tồn tại của cookie 30ngày
Trang đích No
Nguồn cấp dữ liệu XML / CSV No

Hạn chế giao thông

Paid search (Brand) Cấm
PPC (no brand) Cấm
SEO Cho phép
Emails Cho phép
Popunder/Clickunder Cần sự chấp thuận
Reachmedia Cho phép
Teaser Networks Cho phép
Retargeting Cần sự chấp thuận
Display Traffic Cho phép
Google Display Cho phép
Coupons Cần sự chấp thuận
Cashbacks Cần sự chấp thuận
Incentive Cho phép
Social Media Cho phép
Websites Cho phép
Context ads Cho phép
Re-brokering Cần sự chấp thuận
Push Notification Cho phép
Native ads Cho phép
Facebook Display Cho phép
Doorways Cần sự chấp thuận
Toolbar Cần sự chấp thuận

Sự miêu tả

We are All Hands on Deck Inc., an e-Commerce website that aims to take online shopping in the Philippines to new heights. Our website showcases products that are NOT available in the Philippines to give you, our Filipino shoppers, an experience that is refreshing as much as it is exciting. Providing you the ability to discover, share, and buy new products that are NOT in the Philippines is what sets us apart. All our products are sourced directly from US suppliers and shipped to your doorstep. With Galleon.ph you can now buy products pay in Philippine currency (PHP) in any payment channel you are comfortable with.
Rest assured that you will be paying for the all-in price of the item as well as shipping, customs, taxes, and delivery. No surprise charges. Shop and Ship in One-Step.
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