Đề nghị mới được đưa ra: Clensta [CPS] IN - ADM India Chương trình liên kết

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Clensta [CPS] IN - ADM logo
Clensta [CPS] IN - ADM:

Sale - 46.66%

GEO: India
eCPC 3.7800
Giữ khoảng thời gian 54
Băng rôn Yes
Liên kết sâu Yes
Mã số quảng Yes
CR 2.55
Thời gian tồn tại của cookie 30ngày
Trang đích No
Nguồn cấp dữ liệu XML / CSV No

Hạn chế giao thông

Paid search (Brand) Cho phép
PPC (no brand) Cho phép
SEO Cho phép
Emails Cho phép
Popunder/Clickunder Cho phép
Reachmedia Cho phép
Teaser Networks Cho phép
Retargeting Cho phép
Display Traffic Cho phép
Google Display Cho phép
Coupons Cho phép
Cashbacks Cho phép
Incentive Cho phép
Social Media Cho phép
Websites Cho phép
Context ads Cho phép
Re-brokering Cho phép
Push Notification Cho phép
Native ads Cho phép
Facebook Display Cấm
Doorways Cho phép
Toolbar Cho phép

Sự miêu tả

Company Description - At Clensta, they aim to break the norm of traveling the well-traveled trail and strive to carve out our own. Backed by science and innovation, they aim to be value creators providing unique propositions to solve the unsolved. Extending across multiple categories of wellness, skincare, hair care, home care, pet care, and more, they aim to penetrate households across the globe by providing better choices for our consumers. At Clensta, they believe that the better way is the only way. For every unique need, they endeavor to create equally impressive solutions. Solutions that not only ensure better care, better results & a better experience, but a better outlook towards the environment.
Campaign Description - This is a Cost per Sale campaign, where the publishers need to drive sales on Clensta's website.