Запущено новое предложение: Answear BG Bulgaria Партнерская программа

Детали предложения

Answear BG logo
Answear BG:

Paid order - 8%

Paid order (coupons and promocodes) - 4%

Регион: Bulgaria
eCPC 0.0000
Обработка 53
Баннеры Yes
Удаление ссылок Yes
Промокоды Yes
Конверсия 0
Срок службы cookie 30день (а)
Целевые страницы No
Фид XML / CSV No


Paid search (Brand) Запрещен
PPC (no brand) Запрещен
SEO Запрещен
Emails Разрешен
Popunder/Clickunder Разрешен
Reachmedia Запрещен
Teaser Networks Разрешен
Retargeting Запрещен
Display Traffic Запрещен
Google Display Запрещен
Coupons Запрещен
Cashbacks Разрешен
Incentive Запрещен
Social Media Разрешен
Websites Разрешен
Context ads Запрещен
Re-brokering Запрещен
Push Notification Запрещен
Native ads Запрещен
Facebook Display Запрещен
Doorways Разрешен
Toolbar Разрешен


Everyone can make purchases for the whole family because, in addition to the rich choice for ladies, the store offers men and children's collections. Products are shipped to customers within 24 hours. You get them quickly, safely and - most importantly - without leaving your home. Purchases have never been so easy!
For sites with exclusive promotions or discount vouchers and cashback sites, the commission is 3.46%.