Запущено новое предложение: TikTok For Business Many Geos Партнерская программа

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TikTok For Business logo
TikTok For Business:
Registration : $0.00 USD

Condition Payout
Order total is $0 none

 Spend Amount : 20% 

1 Customer Country/Region is US 20% of order sale amount
2 Customer Country/Region is CA
20% of order sale amount
3 Customer Country/Region is AU
20% of order sale amount
4 Customer Country/Region is GB
20% of order sale amount
5 Customer Country/Region is JP
20% of order sale amount
6 Customer Country/Region is BR 20% of order sale amount
7 Customer Country/Region is MX
20% of order sale amount
8 Customer Country/Region is FR
20% of order sale amount
9 Customer Country/Region is DE
20% of order sale amount
10 Customer Country/Region is KR
20% of order sale amount
11 Customer Country/Region is ES
20% of order sale amount
12 Customer Country/Region is EC
20% of order sale amount
13 Customer Country/Region is CL
20% of order sale amount
14 Customer Country/Region is CO
20% of order sale amount
15 Customer Country/Region is PE
20% of order sale amount
16 Customer Country/Region is TH
20% of order sale amount
17 Customer Country/Region is VN
20% of order sale amount
18 Customer Country/Region is ID
20% of order sale amount
19 Customer Country/Region is MY
20% of order sale amount
20 Customer Country/Region is IE
20% of order sale amount
21 Customer Country/Region is AT
20% of order sale amount
22 Customer Country/Region is BE
20% of order sale amount
23 Customer Country/Region is KH
20% of order sale amount
24 Customer Country/Region is CZ
20% of order sale amount
25 Customer Country/Region is DK
20% of order sale amount
26 Customer Country/Region is EG
20% of order sale amount
27 Customer Country/Region is FI
20% of order sale amount
28 Customer Country/Region is GR
20% of order sale amount
29 Customer Country/Region is HU
20% of order sale amount
30 Customer Country/Region is IL
20% of order sale amount
31 Customer Country/Region is KW
20% of order sale amount
32 Customer Country/Region is MA
20% of order sale amount
33 Customer Country/Region is NL
20% of order sale amount
34 Customer Country/Region is NZ
20% of order sale amount
35 Customer Country/Region is NO
20% of order sale amount
36 Customer Country/Region is PH
20% of order sale amount
37 Customer Country/Region is PL
20% of order sale amount
38 Customer Country/Region is PT
20% of order sale amount
39 Customer Country/Region is QA
20% of order sale amount
40 Customer Country/Region is RO
20% of order sale amount
41 Customer Country/Region is RU
20% of order sale amount
42 Customer Country/Region is SA
20% of order sale amount
43 Customer Country/Region is SG
20% of order sale amount
44 Customer Country/Region is ZA
20% of order sale amount
45 Customer Country/Region is SE
20% of order sale amount
46 Customer Country/Region is CH
20% of order sale amount
47 Customer Country/Region is TR
20% of order sale amount
48 Customer Country/Region is UA
20% of order sale amount
49 Customer Country/Region is AE
20% of order sale amount
50 Customer Country/Region is IT
20% of order sale amount
51 All other
0% of order sale amount

Cash Active : 
$7.00 USD

1 Customer Country/Region is US USD7.00 per order
2 Customer Country/Region is CA
USD7.00 per order
3 Customer Country/Region is AU
USD7.00 per order
4 Customer Country/Region is GB
USD7.00 per order
5 Customer Country/Region is JP
USD7.00 per order
6 Customer Country / Region is BR USD7.00 per order
7 Customer Country / Region is MX
USD7.00 per order
8 Customer Country / Region is FR
USD7.00 per order
9 Customer Country / Region is DE
USD7.00 per order
10 Customer Country / Region is KR
USD7.00 per order
11 Customer Country/Region is ES
USD7.00 per order
Customer Country/Region is EC USD7.00 per order
13 Customer Country/Region is CL
USD7.00 per order
14 Customer Country/Region is CO
USD7.00 per order
15 Customer Country/Region is PE
USD7.00 per order
16 Customer Country/Region is TH
USD7.00 per order
17 Customer Country/Region is VN
USD7.00 per order
18 Customer Country/Region is ID
USD7.00 per order
19 Customer Country/Region is MY
USD7.00 per order
20 Customer Country/Region is IE
USD7.00 per order
21 Customer Country/Region is AT
USD7.00 per order
22 Customer Country/Region is BE
USD7.00 per order
23 Customer Country/Region is KH
USD7.00 per order
24 Customer Country/Region is CZ
USD7.00 per order
25 Customer Country/Region is DK
USD7.00 per order
26 Customer Country/Region is EG
USD7.00 per order
27 Customer Country/Region is FI
USD7.00 per order
28 Customer Country/Region is GR
USD7.00 per order
29 Customer Country/Region is HU
USD7.00 per order
30 Customer Country/Region is IL
USD7.00 per order
31 Customer Country/Region is KW
USD7.00 per order
32 Customer Country/Region is MA
USD7.00 per order
33 Customer Country/Region is NL
USD7.00 per order
34 Customer Country/Region is NZ
USD7.00 per order
35 Customer Country/Region is NO
USD7.00 per order
36 Customer Country/Region is PH
USD7.00 per order
37 Customer Country/Region is PL
USD7.00 per order
38 Customer Country/Region is PT
USD7.00 per order
39 Customer Country/Region is QA
USD7.00 per order
40 Customer Country/Region is RO
USD7.00 per order
41 Customer Country/Region is RU
USD7.00 per order
42 Customer Country/Region is SA
USD7.00 per order
43 Customer Country/Region is SG
USD7.00 per order
44 Customer Country/Region is ZA
USD7.00 per order
45 Customer Country/Region is SE
USD7.00 per order
46 Customer Country/Region is CH
USD7.00 per order
47 Customer Country/Region is TR
USD7.00 per order
48 Customer Country/Region is UA
USD7.00 per order
49 Customer Country/Region is AE
USD7.00 per order
50 Customer Country/Region is IT
USD7.00 per order
51 All other
USD0.00 per order

Регион: Many Geos
eCPC 0.0000
Обработка 60
Баннеры Yes
Удаление ссылок Yes
Промокоды Yes
Конверсия 0
Срок службы cookie 90день (а)
Целевые страницы Yes
Фид XML / CSV No


Paid search (Brand) Запрещен
PPC (no brand) Разрешен
SEO Разрешен
Emails Разрешен
Popunder/Clickunder Разрешен
Reachmedia Разрешен
Teaser Networks Разрешен
Retargeting Запрещен
Display Traffic Разрешен
Google Display Разрешен
Coupons Разрешен
Cashbacks Разрешен
Incentive Запрещен
Social Media Разрешен
Websites Разрешен
Context ads Разрешен
Re-brokering Разрешен
Push Notification Разрешен
Native ads Разрешен
Facebook Display Разрешен
Doorways Разрешен
Toolbar Разрешен
