Запущено новое предложение: R for Rabbit [CPS] IN - ADM India Партнерская программа

Детали предложения

R for Rabbit [CPS] IN - ADM logo
R for Rabbit [CPS] IN - ADM:

Sale - 9.45%

Регион: India
eCPC 2.9300
Обработка 69
Баннеры No
Удаление ссылок Yes
Промокоды Yes
Конверсия 2.72
Срок службы cookie 30день (а)
Целевые страницы No
Фид XML / CSV No


Paid search (Brand) Запрещен
PPC (no brand) Разрешен
SEO Запрещен
Emails Разрешен
Popunder/Clickunder Разрешен
Reachmedia Разрешен
Teaser Networks Разрешен
Retargeting Запрещен
Display Traffic Разрешен
Google Display Запрещен
Coupons Разрешен
Cashbacks Разрешен
Incentive Запрещен
Social Media Разрешен
Websites Разрешен
Context ads Разрешен
Re-brokering Разрешен
Push Notification Разрешен
Native ads Разрешен
Facebook Display Запрещен
Doorways Разрешен
Toolbar Разрешен


Company Description- R for Rabbit is a team of professionals dedicated to making your parenting experience wonderfully simpler and amazingly easier. R for Rabbit focusses on baby’s development and safety. Our diverse range of baby products are developed by putting in special focus and understanding to the needs of both, the parents and the child. We, at R for Rabbit, work with the goal of providing your babies with the best facilities, safe technologies and a comfortable lifestyle for their healthy development.
Campaign Description - R for Rabbit provides opportunity for the publisher to earn commission every time a customer purchases any product from R for Rabbit website  through admitad's affiliate link.