Запущено новое предложение: Linzi MENA Offline promo codes& Links - ADM Many Geos Партнерская программа

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Linzi MENA Offline promo codes& Links - ADM logo
Linzi MENA Offline promo codes& Links - ADM:

Paid order - 7.00%

Регион: Many Geos
eCPC 0.0000
Обработка 103
Баннеры Yes
Удаление ссылок Yes
Промокоды No
Конверсия 0.06
Срок службы cookie 30день (а)
Целевые страницы No
Фид XML / CSV No


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Context ads Разрешен
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Push Notification Разрешен
Native ads Разрешен
Facebook Display Разрешен
Doorways Разрешен
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Linzi Shoes are proud to support Breast Cancer Care, the only UK-wide charity providing specialist support and tailored information for those affected by breast cancer. The clinical expertise and emotional support network offered by Breast Cancer Care helps thousands of people find a way to live with, through and beyond breast cancer.
Brand Bidding is prohibited. Using all spellings of the brand name as keywords ( including combinations that are consonant with it) is strongly prohibited.