Запущено новое предложение: Cashe [Android, CPA] IN - ADM India Партнерская программа

Детали предложения

Cashe [Android, CPA] IN - ADM:

Installs - 0.00INR

Duplicate Lead registration - 0.00INR

Loan Disburse Success - 245.00INR

Регион: India
eCPC 0.0000
Обработка 45
Баннеры No
Удаление ссылок No
Промокоды No
Конверсия 0
Срок службы cookie 30день (а)
Целевые страницы No
Фид XML / CSV No


Paid search (Brand) Разрешен
PPC (no brand) Разрешен
SEO Разрешен
Emails Разрешен
Popunder/Clickunder Разрешен
Reachmedia Разрешен
Teaser Networks Разрешен
Retargeting Разрешен
Display Traffic Разрешен
Google Display Разрешен
Coupons Разрешен
Cashbacks Разрешен
Incentive Разрешен
Social Media Разрешен
Websites Разрешен
Context ads Разрешен
Re-brokering Разрешен
Push Notification Разрешен
Native ads Разрешен
Facebook Display Разрешен
Doorways Разрешен
Toolbar Разрешен


What is CASHe:
CASHe, is India’s leading app-only financial product platform. CASHe was launched in April 2016, loans ranging from Rs 1,000 – Rs 4,00,000 to thousands of young professionals to meet their short-term financial goals. CASHe uses modern technology combined with intelligent big data analytics, proprietary algorithms to map young professionals across the country based on their mobile, digital footprint and their social behaviour patterns to rate their credit worthiness. We call it the Social Loan Quotient (SLQ). This determines the loan amounts and interest rates. We are an NBFC, and we also cater to those new to credit and primarily focus on the underbanked segment.