Penawaran baru diluncurkan: JD Sports (MY) - INV Malaysia Program Afiliasi

Detail penawaran

JD Sports (MY) - INV logo
JD Sports (MY) - INV: Full Price: 4.9%,Discounted Price: 1.4%
GEO: Malaysia
BPSe 0.0000
Periode tahan 30
Spanduk Yes
Tautan dalam Yes
Kode promo Yes
CR 0
Seumur hidup kue 30hari
Halaman arahan Yes
Umpan XML/CSV No

Pembatasan lalu lintas

Paid search (Brand) Terlarang
PPC (no brand) Terlarang
SEO Mengizinkan
Emails Mengizinkan
Popunder/Clickunder Butuh persetujuan
Reachmedia Mengizinkan
Teaser Networks Mengizinkan
Retargeting Butuh persetujuan
Display Traffic Mengizinkan
Google Display Mengizinkan
Coupons Butuh persetujuan
Cashbacks Butuh persetujuan
Incentive Mengizinkan
Social Media Mengizinkan
Websites Mengizinkan
Context ads Mengizinkan
Re-brokering Butuh persetujuan
Push Notification Mengizinkan
Native ads Mengizinkan
Facebook Display Mengizinkan
Doorways Butuh persetujuan
Toolbar Butuh persetujuan


JD Sports offers the latest and greatest Sports Lifestyle brands focused on delivering apparel and footwear for men, women and children. We’re known as the ‘Undisputed King of Trainers’ and regularly launch products featuring the latest innovations and aligning with the most in-demand global releases. With over 500 stores globally, we provide the widest range from Nike, Adidas Originals, and more, and offer our customers the best global exclusives
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