Penawaran baru diluncurkan: Shopee TW - CPS - INV Taiwan Program Afiliasi
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This offer is based on a Cost Per Sales model, with multiple tiers of commission rate for valid purchases within the cookies period.
Shopee, an e-commerce trailblazer, revolutionizes online shopping with unparalleled convenience and diversity. As a global marketplace, Shopee connects millions, offering a vast array of products and unbeatable deals. With innovative features and a user-friendly platform, Shopee redefines the digital shopping experience. Explore a world of possibilities at your fingertips, where Shopee not only simplifies but transforms the way you shop. Join the dynamic community and discover the joy of seamless, accessible online retail.
Offer General InformationThis offer is based on a Cost Per Sales model, with multiple tiers of commission rate for valid purchases within the cookies period.
Monthly Budget:
- Limited budget
Cookie Period:
- 7 days
Offer Application Approval:
- Manual
- Criteria: Ecommerce, lifestyle-related publishers
- Approval ETA: 2 days
Platform Supported:
- Desktop Web
- Mobile Web
- iOS
- Android
Allow Multiple Conversion Per Click:
- No
Deeplink Availability:
- Product Landing Page
- Store Landing Page
- Homepage/Microsite
Offer Currency:
Conversion Creation:
- Delayed
- Delay ETA: 2 days
Commission Capping:
- Not Applicable
Commission Structure:
- Only purchases from Shopee Mall are commissionable while Non-Shopee Mall is not commissionable.
- Preferred sellers, C2C, and Digital Vouchers are not commissionable.
Conversion Details:
Conversion level: Order level Amount captured: Sales amount Exclude discount: Yes Exclude shipping fees: Yes Exclude taxes: Yes Promotion Method & ToolsProhibited Activity:
- Brand Bidding
- Gambling
- Adult/Pornographic
- Content Stealing
- Stealing other Affiliate publisher's content and publishing it as their own without asking for consent, and/or giving credit
- Apply Affiliate Links on Affiliate Media that:
- Promotes or is related to illegal activities (illegal drugs, phishing, terrorism, criminal activities, contests, pyramid schemes, or chain letters)
- Promotes or is related to tobacco, gambling, or weapons.
- Is related to pornographic or obscene material.
- Is related to excessively graphic or explicit violence.
- Is defamatory, inappropriate, or profane.
- Is discriminatory or constitutes “hate speech”, whether directed at an individual or a group, and whether based upon the race, sex, creed, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, or language of such individual or group.
- Promotes or contains viruses, worms, corrupted files, malware, cracks, or other materials that are intended to or may damage or render inoperable software, hardware, or security measures.
- Affiliate should not, and will not allow any third party to:
- Use advertising e-mails to promote Shopee without Shopee’s prior written consent;
- Use robots or other automated query tools, computer generated search requests;
- Fraudulent use of search engine optimization services to generate or conceal impressions, inquiries, clicks, or conversions
that are fraudulent or invalid; - Drive or utilise any SEM keywords and other keyword-based advertising traffic using the Shopee brand or private labels to Shopee’s Platform (in other words, "Shopee" and other similar words which could be misleading as Shopee must be entered as a negative keyword) without Shopee’s prior written consent;
- Use any automated means or form of scraping, or other data extraction methods to access, query, collect, or use Shopee intellectual property, including logo, key visuals, creative materials and other Confidential Information from the Platform or otherwise;
- Apply Affiliate Links or advertise Affiliate Media through any of Shopee’s social media channels or the social media channels of any Shopee’s Sellers/other affiliates to hijack traffic;
- Apply Affiliate Links on Affiliate Media that contains Prohibited Content, or in torrent or streaming sites;
- (Where Affiliate is an affiliate network) Re-brokering to another affiliate network as their sub-affiliate; or
- Incorporate any lottery or lucky draw in the Affiliate Media.
- Post random, irrelevant content that is not meant to promote the items/shops (including, but not limited to fake promotion, Entertainment news, clickbait product review etc).
- Dumping affiliate links without content or sending duplicate content to the same audience
- Provide social media channels of other affiliates without consent to meet registration criteria.
- Run clickbait/social media ads with the intention to gain clicks and traffic.
- Use any form of advertisement that impersonates Shopee Official
Creative Policies:
- Use creative material uploaded in Involve dashboard for this offer.
- Any self-produced material approved in advance by The Advertiser.
- Any self-produced material not approved by The Advertiser.
- Financial transactions covered by this offer will be processed in offer currency in the “Commission Terms” section.
- Currency exchanges will occur when you have set a different currency in your account settings.
- The amount displayed in the report might vary depending on currency exchange rates.
From Advertiser:
- Specific terms and conditions from the advertiser.
- Advertiser reserves the right to revise any report at any time if the advertiser believes that the Report contains an error or omission or otherwise requires an adjustment.
From IA:
- InvolveAsia reserves the right to reject any conversion that violates compliance guidelines.
- Any violating affiliates will be blocked from InvolveAsia offers, and their accounts will be subject to a formal audit which may result in account suspension or deactivation and payment forfeiture.
- 購買之商品需符合蝦皮聯盟行銷規範,消費者需透過帶有INVOLVEASIA追蹤程式碼之連結前往蝦皮,,並購買符合蝦皮聯盟行銷規範之商品才滿足導流規則。
- 商品價格若與蝦皮賣場實際價格有異,以蝦皮賣場價格為準。
- 需使用INVOLVEASIA提供之廣告素材,若有個人創作的素材,須通過蝦皮審核始可以使用。
- 建議呼籲消費者在導流後立即完成結帳,若因用戶操作導至追蹤中斷或不符合蝦皮聯盟行銷規範之歸因條件,導致訂單未成功導購,蝦皮概不接受以上肇生的客訴件,將會交由推廣者轉交客訴件給INVOLVEASIA處理,但也不會支付客訴件費用。
- 如用戶先前往蝦皮將商品加入購物車,後續透過帶有INVOLVEASIA追蹤程式碼連結前往至蝦皮將購物車結清,將不符合本合作方案。
- 部分蝦皮商城商品(如:蝦皮推廣服務、電子票券)不符合聯盟行銷需求,蝦皮保有更改條款與法律追訴之權利。
- 蝦皮購物是東南亞及台灣首屈一指的電子商務平台,擁有廣泛的產品種類,包括消費電子產品,家居和生活,健康和美容,嬰兒和玩具,時尚和健身設備
- Shopee 蝦皮購物給予使用者安全無慮的線上購物環境,簡易方便的操作介面讓你隨時隨地都能輕鬆購物,在蝦皮購物你可以買到各式各樣的東西,花得更少、買得更好!
立即下載蝦皮購物APP,購物潮爽der: - 蝦皮商城三大保障 - 正品保障、15天鑑賞期、蝦皮安心退
- 購買全台商品-眾多品類和數萬種商品盡在你的指尖下
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