Penawaran baru diluncurkan: Angel One [CPA] IN - ADM India Program Afiliasi

Detail penawaran

Angel One [CPA] IN - ADM logo
Angel One [CPA] IN - ADM:

KYC - Traded Account - 240.00INR

KYC Completed - 0.00INR

Brokerage Revenue Share - 32.00%

GEO: India
BPSe 0.0400
Periode tahan 45
Spanduk No
Tautan dalam No
Kode promo Yes
CR 0
Seumur hidup kue 30hari
Halaman arahan No
Umpan XML/CSV No

Pembatasan lalu lintas

Paid search (Brand) Terlarang
PPC (no brand) Terlarang
SEO Terlarang
Emails Mengizinkan
Popunder/Clickunder Terlarang
Reachmedia Terlarang
Teaser Networks Mengizinkan
Retargeting Terlarang
Display Traffic Terlarang
Google Display Terlarang
Coupons Terlarang
Cashbacks Terlarang
Incentive Terlarang
Social Media Terlarang
Websites Mengizinkan
Context ads Terlarang
Re-brokering Terlarang
Push Notification Terlarang
Native ads Terlarang
Facebook Display Terlarang
Doorways Terlarang
Toolbar Terlarang


Company Description: Angel One (formerly known as Angel Broking) is a Fintech firm driven by technology and a mission to become the No. 1 fintech organization in India. With a 6 Million+ registered client base and more than 12 million app downloads, we are onboarding more than 400K new users every month. We are working to build personalized financial journeys for customers via a single app, powered by new-age engineering tech and Machine Learning. We are a group of self-driven, motivated individuals who enjoy taking ownership and believe in providing best value for money to investors through innovative products and investment strategies. We apply and amplify design thinking with our products and solution.
Campaign Description: It is a CPL (cost per Lead) campaign wherein we must bring quality Leads for Angel one for account open and trading.. The advertiser is offering its affiliates to run it in with mentioned targeted cities and audiences. All allowed promotional methods are selected under traffic sources.