New offer launched: Сравни.ру Страхование от несчастных случаев Russian Federation Affiliate Program

Details of the offer

Сравни.ру Страхование от несчастных случаев logo
Сравни.ру Страхование от несчастных случаев:

Полис страхования от несчастных случаев - 9%

GEO: Russian Federation
eCPC 7.5179
Hold period 30
Banners Yes
Deeplinking No
Promocodes No
CR 0
Cookie lifetime 30day(s)
Landing pages No
XML/CSV feed No

Traffic restrictions

Paid search (Brand) Forbidden
PPC (no brand) Allow
SEO Allow
Emails Forbidden
Popunder/Clickunder Forbidden
Reachmedia Allow
Teaser Networks Allow
Retargeting Forbidden
Display Traffic Allow
Google Display Allow
Coupons Forbidden
Cashbacks Allow
Incentive Forbidden
Social Media Allow
Websites Allow
Context ads Allow
Re-brokering Forbidden
Push Notification Forbidden
Native ads Forbidden
Facebook Display Allow
Doorways Forbidden
Toolbar Forbidden


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