推出新优惠: ThriftBooks United States 联盟计划


ThriftBooks logo
Existing Customers - 2% 
New Customers - 3% 
地理环境组织: United States
有效每次点击费用 4.4254
持有期 45
横幅 Yes
深层链接 No
促销代码 Yes
CR 1.94
饼干寿命 7天
登陆页面 Yes


Paid search (Brand) 禁止的
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SEO 允许
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Popunder/Clickunder 允许
Reachmedia 允许
Teaser Networks 允许
Retargeting 禁止的
Display Traffic 允许
Google Display 允许
Coupons 禁止的
Cashbacks 允许
Incentive 允许
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Websites 允许
Context ads 允许
Re-brokering 允许
Push Notification 允许
Native ads 允许
Facebook Display 允许
Doorways 需要批准
Toolbar 允许


ThriftBooks is a large web-based used bookseller founded in the summer of 2003 by Daryl Butcher and Jason Meyer and headquartered near Seattle, Washington. The company sells used books, DVDs, CDs, VHS tapes, video games, and audio cassettes. ThriftBooks' business model "is based on achieving economies of scale through automation".