Nova oferta lançada: The Entertainer GCC Offline Codes - ADM Many Geos Programa de Afiliados

Detalhes da oferta

The Entertainer GCC Offline Codes - ADM logo
The Entertainer GCC Offline Codes - ADM:

Paid Subscription - 8.55%

GEO: Many Geos
eCPC 0.9400
Período de espera 90
Banners Yes
Deeplinking No
Códigos promocionais Yes
CR 10.22
Tempo de vida do cookie 90dias
Páginas de destino No
Feed XML / CSV No

Restrições de tráfego

Paid search (Brand) Proibida
PPC (no brand) Permitir
SEO Proibida
Emails Permitir
Popunder/Clickunder Proibida
Reachmedia Proibida
Teaser Networks Permitir
Retargeting Proibida
Display Traffic Proibida
Google Display Proibida
Coupons Proibida
Cashbacks Permitir
Incentive Proibida
Social Media Permitir
Websites Permitir
Context ads Permitir
Re-brokering Proibida
Push Notification Proibida
Native ads Proibida
Facebook Display Proibida
Doorways Proibida
Toolbar Proibida


The ENTERTAINER is an app full of exciting Buy One Get One Free offers for restaurants, beauty salons, health & fitness, leisure activities and many more. 
Exclusive monthly offers and offers from new merchants are added every month.