Nova oferta lançada: Repjegy HU - ADM Hungary Programa de Afiliados

Detalhes da oferta

Repjegy HU - ADM logo
Repjegy HU - ADM:

Paid purchase - 8.00EUR

GEO: Hungary
eCPC 0.0000
Período de espera 45
Banners Yes
Deeplinking Yes
Códigos promocionais No
CR 0
Tempo de vida do cookie 30dias
Páginas de destino No
Feed XML / CSV No

Restrições de tráfego

Paid search (Brand) Permitir
PPC (no brand) Permitir
SEO Permitir
Emails Permitir
Popunder/Clickunder Permitir
Reachmedia Permitir
Teaser Networks Permitir
Retargeting Permitir
Display Traffic Permitir
Google Display Permitir
Coupons Permitir
Cashbacks Permitir
Incentive Permitir
Social Media Permitir
Websites Permitir
Context ads Permitir
Re-brokering Permitir
Push Notification Permitir
Native ads Permitir
Facebook Display Permitir
Doorways Permitir
Toolbar Permitir


Since 2007, has been one of Hungary's leading independent airline ticketing websites, where travellers can find all the necessary information book flights in one place.
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