Nova oferta lançada: Podia World Wide Programa de Afiliados

Detalhes da oferta

Podia logo

Upgrade & Renewal 20% on first 10 sales then automatically get 30% for the 11th sale onwards

Visitors who click an affiliate link receive a 30-day cookie. When they register for a free Podia account during that period, that is considered a Free Trial. From that point, they have 90 days to create a paid account under the referral (most upgrade within 0-4 weeks). When they upgrade, that is considered a Paid Upgrade. This can be a paid Podia base plan or a paid Podia Email plan. From there, accounts have monthly or annual Renewals. If a customer upgrades to a different tier or cadence, that upgrade will once again be a Paid Upgrade according to our terms.

GEO: World Wide
eCPC 0.0000
Período de espera 30
Banners Yes
Deeplinking Yes
Códigos promocionais Yes
CR 0
Tempo de vida do cookie 90dias
Páginas de destino Yes
Feed XML / CSV No

Restrições de tráfego

Paid search (Brand) Proibida
PPC (no brand) Permitir
SEO Permitir
Emails Permitir
Popunder/Clickunder Permitir
Reachmedia Permitir
Teaser Networks Permitir
Retargeting Proibida
Display Traffic Permitir
Google Display Permitir
Coupons Proibida
Cashbacks Proibida
Incentive Proibida
Social Media Permitir
Websites Permitir
Context ads Permitir
Re-brokering Permitir
Push Notification Permitir
Native ads Permitir
Facebook Display Permitir
Doorways Proibida
Toolbar Permitir
