Penawaran baru diluncurkan: Walmart United States Program Afiliasi

Detail penawaran

Walmart logo

Online Sale: 1%-5% USD

1 List for Item SKU is CNT | Content Master Exclusion List 0% of item sale amount
2 List for Item Category is Precious Metals EcommFoodBaby ConsumablesHousehold Paper/Household ChemicalsPhoto ServicesPharmacy RX/OpticalPharmacy/OTC 0% of item sale amount
3 List for Item Category is Pets and SuppliesBaby HardlinesElectronicsToysWirelessCameras and SuppliesMedia & GamingBooks & MagazinesSeasonalCelebrationAutomotiveSporting GoodsHardware & Tools/Do It YourselfPatio and GardenHorticultureAutomotive TiresMens ApparelShoesIntimate Apparel/Womens ApparelJewelryBeautyHome DecorBath and ShowerBeddingFurnitureCook and DineHome ManagementAccessoriesStationeryBaby/Toddler/Boys/Girls Apparel 5% of item sale amount
4 List for Item Category is Personal Care 1% of item sale amount

All Other
1% of item sale amount

GEO: United States
BPSe 0.0000
Periode tahan 90
Spanduk Yes
Tautan dalam Yes
Kode promo No
CR 4.25
Seumur hidup kue 3hari
Halaman arahan Yes
Umpan XML/CSV Yes

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