How to start with Native Advertising and Get the Most out of it?

Published : 28 Jul 2020   author : Indoleads Bot

Indoleads team is happy to introduce you our new partnership with MGID – native advertising platform.  Why native? We asked guys from MGID share their experience and insights of running this advertising format in Asia. Check them out below!

Native ads are designed to fit the original content of a website or application. It allows these ads to appear unintrusive for users, avoid adblockers and catch just the right amount of users’ attention. As a result, the audience can discover the offers being advertised and CTR rates grow higher, compared to similar campaigns with display ads.

As a savvy marketer, you are probably looking for new channels to expand your campaigns and consider native advertising as an option. We are here to help you enter native advertising and shorten your path to success.

  • Native ads are viewed 52% more than display ads
  • 26 % of consumers look at native ads more than the original editorial content
  • Native ads registered 71 % higher lift for purchase than banners ads

Native ad networks have become a popular source of quality traffic at reasonable prices. If you are looking for an ad network to promote Nutra, dating, and binary offers and many other verticals, there is nothing that will suit you better thanMGID. Especially in light of our latest promotion.

Register in MGID and receive an exclusive 25% bonus on your first deposit in MGID.

At MGID, we use our own TAG certified anti-fraud solution and Anura fraud detection tool in order to ensure the sustainability of traffic quality. Also, we have an in-house team of analytics who manually check traffic on a regular basis. As a result, we can guarantee that 96% of MGID traffic is fraud free.

We are constantly working on adding new features and optimization capabilities to our platform. Inside your dashboard, you can find a few really gold tools – traffic insights selective bidding. The Traffic insights tool is the almanac of MGID traffic. With it, you can pre-assess what MGID can do for you and how much it will cost you.

8PlGEZ7S6Bn M5c6GfbRGHIsKVZT88mpe9hYGFpaAxJ8mpdFvofmtlgS2z5j2 569Hiw4V0RSRuzAlSxrD4bZAggD3YgwXYqs zl2ysNpRUKBfiDWKuRzAmL29iBAoHYIIikuzEK

Selective bidding, our second powerful tool, allows you to increase or decrease your bid for particular traffic sources. Using it, you can set the bids for different placements based on their performance and optimize your campaigns on a granular level. It also calculates how much traffic you can get if you increase your bid and helps you to scale the campaigns in the right way.

pjO2H81dcLCX cvC3Fqyhr LjTE5fDVSh3uE4qAK 6o S4z7dKGwyL4QD9Lb7xHQX WH0ur 4eI1C12ZcMMSlIHYhE ftJGjliywG5cemwIjvxWOOdgcxsChKH7dhvU44DLbNEga

Conversion statistics report is the next tool for campaign optimization in deep details. It allows you to analyze conversion costs by teaser and devices and help you improve the revenue. 

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Recently, we added two new features to our platform, the potential audience reach and predictive price recommendation engine. The first tool enables you to see the approximate number of impressions your campaign can deliver (with dynamic updates). And the latter helps you to check the potential of your creative and recommends bids before the campaign launch.

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So let’s move to campaign creation

Step 1

Choose an offer and links to a landing and pre-landing pages. Let’s say we are planning to promote this product: 

151 – Lazada Thailand – up to 12% CPS –

Step 2

Sign into MGID

The registration is quite simple, so let’s move directly to the campaign settings.

Jq1oZgfSpTCF5h zLSGgU1kBYAwtat81zDKnwuHeYEWELVHtkWJxwVAvwBK9x jWDuTnO8kKPULllUTb67AcvVIC1Q2lT4irfggfS5DhA4eWnOoUBkQqKUfLIVlUgMHARjUw9Ahv

Step 3

Get started with the campaign.

dbijHMmHVVoSsAFkoMl yeS lhS7HETJN6xqSWmtWge9DmSCxZXAcStNv84XGGQHm2ArYdTwWSzTx5W4iApzNqGnu4BmOaTuAH3v y bUfhSdpJAlYC2g Cw9BaxODElR8ZD3kxL
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Choose the type of campaign. 

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As soon as you choose the type of your campaign, go ahead and give your campaign a name and make it meaningful. Then choose the campaign type, category, and language. 

xOYpnYI8EivUbvjBQAXk4asUx2Y6Xd9spYgzvDKFDUS7B6pM7wWh ywbKfrUKRLH77nw4tUirPCf gByk6irlFhHc 2DcKRZwEQCYRpZD5 kbCYAaRmz5KWVfwdlFkqQN0NjSs8T

Block before show – Use this option if you don’t want your new ads to go live as soon as they are approved. When this option is on you need to unblock the ads manually after they’ve been moderated. *Only for teasers that will be created after the option is activated.

Step 4

Set GEO and device targeting.

Select the countries and regions you want to target. You can also choose whether you want to focus only on larger screen visitors, mobile, tablet visitors or everything from the list. Since we have a real offer in this example, we choose Thailand and mobile devices.


In case you want to get more detailed statistics on what GEOs and platforms to target, try MGID’s Traffic Insights tool.

Step 5

Schedule your campaign and set the limits.

ojJKjtXrk0T56wDs4v isY1WNCvLJP3jbch9vMewK1GTf0 noFvbiyYkoUqJSf BO9Nyno1GoV13VBUIS3KApSyWnaKfzLaUsZCMB5Y  0bcNpbUqqf5xWJ VI5W 9QorlLF6qWk

Set daily budget limits to get relevant data for campaign optimization. The minimal daily budget to run your campaign is 50$. However, this sum depends on the bid that you set. If your bid is lower than an average price for this type of offer, it is more likely that you will not receive enough clicks. Do not ignore Limit for clicks is also an effective tool to allocate your budget smartly. 

Step 6

Go to the conversion sensors – MGID CONVERSION SENSOR.  We can add one step, or several, depending on at which stage you need to receive the tracking data. (Works for product offers only). We will use the “action – new order” step as an example.

kIorJWMs6yvHr4Lwh2dBiN4 tBIMDhfSVfO5C0doPqVg5rqiCL u1X55fUWNMdHESBy5gq5WResXgsUiuo6Ndg6dF7vdPawYzSjJAlq8VLGvVBQ HGsiv0Ktb7SY3f94kmY5mgM1

We need to do the following actions step-by-step:

  1. Click on the ADD STEP button [1].
  2. Select the Postback tab [2].
  3. Fill in the name of the event (the desired action that the user must perform on the pre-landing or the landing page, for example: press the “order a product” button  or “register”). The name can be any combination of A-Z letters and numbers. It is advisable to specify your ad campaign ID after the action name, so that the system can identify the clicks on your advertising campaign. You can find this number at the top of the page in the link, after going to the “Campaign Settings” section  [3]. 
  4. Fill in the cost of the conversion. This is optional [4].
  5. Check if the link has the following parameters: [5]

“c =” – is the click parameter that should return to us in the sub form.

“e =” – an event with a unique campaign number.

“r =” – the amount of revenue, the size of the payout.

Here’s an example of how the link should look like:{sub1}&e=buy123456&r={cost}

(Substitute with your own values. “Buy” (or another action: register etc.) is optional, and instead of 123456, insert your campaign ID – the ID of your advertising campaign)

If Postback is selected, UTM-markup of the user automatically sets the macro {click_id}, you need to register the name of the parameter with which your system works. For example:

qeuaijYKv YKcRcxyWSoXc2a2lv KqZRCSslzHo5WVMCXERAsAuagXkRCLImn9AQwyQgXZs Gl5s2oODwtgq4YgSlVem7KBMsqFBggpwvxKmOQecQR2O3Fn F9y7dXjthRBHNz

Copy the received postback link on the MGID side and save the settings

What you need to customize in your tracking system

Our MGID system can accept 3 parameters with your data:

“c =” – is the click parameter that should return to us in the sub or other form.

“e =” – an event with a unique campaign number.

“r =” – the amount of revenue, the size of the payout.

You can set all three parameters, as well as parameters “c” and “e”.

1. In your tracking system, you need to specify a link to which the system will send data, in case of successful conversion:

2. Then you need to assign the value to the parameter in which you will send the data, the value of “c”, the event to which you are configuring Postback, the value of “e”, and if you want to send purchase data, then configure sending the parameter “r”.

Sales data (the value of parameter r) will be accepted by the system and displayed in the account only in USD $.

An example of how the link should look like:

Copy the received postback link on the MGID side and save the settings.

Here’s an example of how the link should look like:{sub1}&e=buy123456&r={cost}

(Substitute with your own values. “Buy” (or another action: register etc.) is optional, and instead of 123456, insert your campaign ID – the ID of your advertising campaign)

Checking the postback settings

After finishing setting up on the Leadbit side, go to the MGID dashboard to check our settings.

You will not be charged for the verification clicks. They also do not go into the statistics.

To test the settings do the following steps:

  1. In the MGID dashboard, click on the “Ads” icon with the notepad image.
m2XIsXupzYKEdc WmEogn PDyE985x78NlUMq gN0IpznnPpzsl33ZHFIz0E5LwOjpZimNWkUOINfTnNA50H4zfayIIffdtvQjgHgyCvYiu2GNI07LKG2pTUf3N0ijpCibyVRpDd

2. Click on the link under the teaser

egp8Tzn3meOeZAdQP1CAwEdTHxeT77DEfWBU8QfdxoGuGNGMYDNDTApyjbDQK 6HadL5sAlPSlPSQGnxSg89kvZ58wxZ17fJKBt1oCW4Sa4toggTj0YapAksdDRkVYUEX6IcyIVj

3. After going through the link you need to perform the targeted action: order, subscribe, register, etc.  The test conversion is displayed in the “conversion” column.

The test conversion will be displayed in the summary statistics of the account and will be indicated as:

WzaJM8mLyjkYWpwF0iUWxsbf0KzcBGCYuly3TYrAey7k7BPq2uCSYD3KbwHo SJvVrrju z0bspwHlS8oB4uOKwXs4I7i2cSzdI9V1Jz2sZxaamDRiVuMYHaKp2WXTH5DFs VAl6


Go to the Campaign Settings – Postback tab, – and click on the link Сheck postback event.

bWP3CObzu2Yvc5hvMyIJPQbWLUuTPQ4ULQrL7KnfpFs9SgyLH5hQAtn2irBd Hwu4DZp iLP 8AE986myMc30z34s1h1a9rzSsANyrduR 8HtdPw1u7eawUEH3iSibszANFMQTT0

 Look at instructions for checking:

sh0frqaqinRzbAyUOfmKzKo lxKNZtbFLRXJ8iQTVdfvzj 2hdjefrl6ufGLMLRYMbJqX87uBJZkuqUY9qCx5Q5fo fsQ G5LA0ZSXslIvNqu25Isd8dK3HoPMrCiHQe3  UFcxB

To check the settings of Postback, you need to go to the link of the teaser of this campaign and perform the action on which the postback is configured. Within 15 minutes, we will receive a test run with information about the teaser and the time of its execution. 

Step 7

Add URLs, titles, and images to your campaign.

To add an advertisement it is necessary in the “ADVERTISERS” tab to select an advertising campaign for which an advertisement will be added and go to the ads icon with the notepad image

3xGjKX7bCvGFzqlUN4GBIAKBOVXeCVdLNwbZJ7xnsSxx1eyZgJmu54wBKJucaiP9hnbBfgo5nH7z4iufiL8kL8o6eUfWcAcwEUqxzYQZ9ekufZMdzyfZ sOHBhG9gb2miJ51sQ Q
vLU5CEOXhGyZuyw3cfBrPdXa1rDRHmEMS0Uo5PM3E6I3FFKE2tqf9954qLAdEgE9l8DfVuxiPjGT9fWdCtMBXfyZp4Y1hTCnv7u6 JSU76jJ9sTm m56Fm io b4iO9iN1zzgJrL

If you are already on the page with a list of advertisements for an advertising campaign, click on the button “CREATE NEW AD” for adding.

ho6NnyzgHdlj 3SM3HVIr4s4B3lC kiT2CpJgrUczEhRUnXqgxHEAEgntpAfxitikxSprk vgaUfDw3tSv40lhRYCmm8QuqvKBIVl8bDS1iLUhLOH6uF8FKf0XAauQ4MOUzdfIxy

Then, please fill in the opened form.

l7Ol4BMLKSjdL 8aUEC7eO6F9ppydJJ 8NG i2hJA6LwJlz6ezwfLfg NegAf1xwclVVHwj8A sALyVYzyP7sNrZ8YhtHRv epfyBqCYP X E qXbmGLX6tdOl09nxqXGx7PSZG7

In order to produce the highest quality creatives for readers to enjoy, we ask each client to check out our Content Policies and Creatives Guidelines before adding creatives to a campaign.

Ads in other languages than English are moderated up to business 72 hours. These ads are marked as ‘proofread pending’. It means language is being checked for accuracy by native speakers.

The ad, without activity for 3 months, will be automatically deleted.

Preface/advertising text length:

  • content promotion – max 250 characters;
  • product promotion – max 75 characters.

Creative size is 492×328

Step 8

Deposit funds.

tsiMwwobGJy9 wtwSfVc1dHkMZifVUuweF No4DIwVvvR8ptt1aGpetpbdlqRCNjtiVhj3TkCv9O3m5PtvHXEoHOXAUkKokBwPeIHP Wvp4My8O94OPi1ofd8lohGEg9smT7chIo

If you want to test your campaign properly and have enough data for its optimization, deposit  $1000 and more, you’ll get an account manager who will help you optimize your campaign and get the most out of it. 

Remember, you get a 25% credit match once you sign up by this link 

How does it all work? Let’s take a look at our previous results: 

K2wZlYK2Lz91GR odyAwPwdzPjkbI2p90FA51SZXqSQW4Lg3HwJ2bNkPdFkayA6OP6Ty3nfTe fpivgIW4S40B23rNXtZiv4lxbLN USlIbXibik4XRwEop8vdl3i0ArPFlVYHou
qfivx45Vil VH5aK IIHkBMffJ6Gwh7ImtWkuvCBf9uA11OpEE8HajIAWTKAaY5pipTHX413nD05exLCi8nde8tmUehlDmzpzd8vsdS3gG3czPPDrrPUq2lYLcqd7Cl66vaca IZ

Campaign Strategy by MGID

Initially, we divided the audience into two groups: existing clients and new clients. 

For the first group we launched two ad campaigns: Flash sale for a limited period of time and Every day low prices campaign.

For new clients, we launched a campaign leading them to a website homepage so they can sign in.

As agreed with Lazada, our creative department used client’s images but created catchy headlines by themselves.

8z89VUUkCrrUuXsbQvr8la K0i1nmwVOg2AtZgqpFH0G07dQR5ouvGMa6BqNoj9sofw0J4yvOSqeTrQoQUQ0kDlN0VRXmFoLfOuTgaWpe4wC QTO4eHAbRoPFn Sm6sJd BFsOg

cztSaX0CKsGd2WIeZfsdcFEOQjbB5nty53b7 dVV09faKEXVkoSigQ6J2X 2DsVUPhB2XoSPrt1LRhJTTIYl8HgMUg4oh76tfQe9MHyMwyqgm5xrA1OSn8EpDcfG983iSyG46zHZ

One more campaign with Olymp Trade to inspire you 

1501 – Olymp Trade – up to $110 CPA –

xJ1Yk GhI45nDtybkW2pDqF KGW2REkBcj OhgqQQPmXFiXqL 2zo2IB91HgIrJxPRzRz67Xs7sAoyitgrYuzKeByXO2dZW hbHrYE80 5PLWcJeVgLYO6sT7aD77xLdGZnBDwWN
cqojddgNn1x u oY xFhhet4n5UwJhclRZFKGIEMDqAT5pQ opTFXFuH912ZocdGIjB RpS47w1gMndu5wvsNDR8QEySwISKPTFd9QXAztWsx8FnVeZsQMbUoau0DWHeZkduM4gB
Pyj5PesN4 WBvU1fK3UIdOem001HJ5d5y X9HK7AzitIVN5ClnA3D4CDtewtKsy0N43vJMqrX9Suac ICXPHEca1AKgT mOKoANhxS9jgpX5Pxx7Afzv2xLEGhJnOFJMNthkMBeG

Here are couple tips for creatives:

  • Don’t Underestimate the Creatives
  • Localize your creatives. And we don’t just mean the language. Try using tricks both in text and design that work on this particular GEO. The least you can do is use local currency in the texts..
  • Review the landing and prelanding pages. Don’t use those that promise too much. People won’t buy it. Testimonials also work well for this vertical. But they should be as true to life as possible. A handsome man in a Brioni suit standing in front of a brand new Porsche won’t work as good as an average-looking man with a beer belly standing in front of his new BMW.
IFzwjKyb7868pmKV1RYzn4QTxpPyKplxI1F1ZRAgNl4TUStQbEiigB2sCc5yG105CJAGDWfijKOqg9VJocKrqmsylCGR8kUwJ7tRkK4 MhAnVKHWL 24ywptXyPBoQAm5Vgbyw45
l0d5mNSPuX492wkA51Hvk wKhDLYslz5gxtzkHtIuTHDz3wSEVivDPsI3as7vZhcACzIC60MN KHdIQxooMYcZwCXLSIMLA3XuC5v T4RKvHyLKCrV0Hpk9rijEMX7Fuy0hzUczc

Our Results:

mj7rpFIH6fyFc5b5gWrEgeJq2TDGJF6EVl4jpTTiSVcul82 m7OIlGL J4treWWMzdwIC8tfWPItBng8vgMfZd5QbVP1 dGCJou77IlftcA6qPBJZZ5iYDn8TMPQ30WrqaFB2M83

Congrats, your first ad campaign inMGID  is ready! It’s not that hard, is it?

We are sure you’ll be more than happy with its results.

And do not hesitate to contact your account manager if you need help.

Exclusively for Indoleads MGID offers a 25% bonus on your first deposit in MGID.

And for all users who will run campaign with MGID Indoleads team gives you 10% on your first payout withdrawal!

Use exclusive promo-code EXTRA10 and receive a 10% bonus of the amount of the first check out.