推出新优惠: Teknosa Turkey 联盟计划


Teknosa logo

Category 1 (7090)0.80% CPS
Category 2 (7091)1.60% CPS
Phone (7104)0.80% CPS
TV, Audio and Video Systems (7105)0.80% CPS
White Goods and Built-in (7106)1.60% CPS
Camera & Camcorder (7107)0.80% CPS
Home and Living (7108)1.60% CPS
Computer and Tablet (7109)0.80% CPS
Electrical Appliances (7110)1.60% CPS
Personal Care (7111)1.60% CPS
Console, Gaming and Gaming Equipment (7112)0.80% CPS
Installation, Support and Service Packs (7113)0.00% CPS
Office Equipment and Furniture (7114)0.80% CPS
Spor Outdoor (7115)0.80% CPS
Hobby & Entertainment (7116)0.00% CPS
Musical Instrument and Equipment (7117)1.60% CPS
地理环境组织: Turkey
有效每次点击费用 0.6802
持有期 60
横幅 Yes
深层链接 No
促销代码 Yes
CR 0
饼干寿命 10天
登陆页面 Yes
XML/CSV 提要 Yes


Paid search (Brand) 禁止的
PPC (no brand) 禁止的
SEO 允许
Emails 禁止的
Popunder/Clickunder 需要批准
Reachmedia 允许
Teaser Networks 允许
Retargeting 禁止的
Display Traffic 允许
Google Display 允许
Coupons 允许
Cashbacks 允许
Incentive 允许
Social Media 禁止的
Websites 允许
Context ads 允许
Re-brokering 允许
Push Notification 允许
Native ads 允许
Facebook Display 允许
Doorways 禁止的
Toolbar 允许
