New offer launched: Exness World Wide Affiliate Program

Details of the offer

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Country $10 - $29 $30 - $149 $150 - $599 $600+
Thailand (TH) $35 $126 $301 $980
China (CN) $63 $322 $574 $1232
South Africa (ZA) $14 $42 $119 $560
Vietnam (VN) $70 $189 $350 $1134
Indonesia (ID) $24.5 $112 $175 $798
Pakistan (PK) $42 $108.5 $231 $581
Bangladesh  (BD) $35 $105 $224 $560
Maldives (MV) $70 $168 $378 $770
India (IN) $56 $112 $210 $770
Egypt (EG) $42 $98 $259 $560
Nigeria (NG) $21 $63 $189 $339.5
Saudi Arabia (SA) $70 $231 $399 $1225
Ghana (GH) $21 $49 $119 $560
Kenya (KE) $7 $31.5 $140 $560
Uganda (UG) $17.5 $42 $119 $560
Philippines (PH) $10.5 $42 $119 $560
South Korea (KR) $35 $245 $385 $1120
Namibia (NA) $10.5 $42 $119 $560
Cape Verde (CV) $17.5 $49 $119 $560
Zimbabwe (ZW) $10.5 $42 $119 $560
Botswana (BW) $21 $42 $119 $560
Kuwait (KW) $42 $175 $350 $1260
Bahrain (BH) $75 $175 $350 $1278
Qatar (QA) $35 $168 $259 $1022
Oman (OM) $42 $168 $245 $1022
Jordan (JO) $28 $140 $245 $861
Mexico (MX) $21 $42 $119 $672
Chile (CL) $21 $42 $119 $672
Argentina (AR) $21 $42 $119 $672
Columbia (CO) $21 $42 $119 $672
Peru (PE) $21
Costa Rica (CR) $21
Venezuela (VE) $21
Bolivia (BO) $21
Paraguay (PY) $21
Ecuador (EC) $21
Guatemala (GT) $21
Morocco (MA) $21 $49 $112 $350
Algeria (DZ) $21 $49 $112 $385
Kazakhstan (KZ) $17.5 $31.5 $147 $273
Sri Lanka (LK) $10.5 $42 $112 $504
Brunei Darussalam (BN) $10.5
Cambodia (KH) $10.5
Nepal (NP) $10.5
Azerbaijan (AZ) $10.5 $35 $105 $476
Georgia (GE) $10.5
The Republic of Moldova (MD) $10.5
Mongolia (MN) $10.5
Tajikistan (TJ) $10.5
Turkmenistan (TM) $10.5
Uzbekistan (UZ) $10.5
Hong Kong (HK) $31.5 $210 $280 $595
Taiwan (Province of China) (TW) $31.5 $210 $280 $595
The Dominican Republic (DO) $17.5 $35 $112 $665
Guyana (GY) $17.5
Trinidad and Tobago (TT)  $17.5
Lebanon (LB) $28 $105 $245 $497
Tunisia (TN)   $28
Turkey (TR) $28
Burkina Faso (BF) $10.5 $35
$105 $476
Benin (BJ) $10.5
Cote d'Ivore (CI) $10.5
Cameroon (CM) $10.5
Djibouti (DJ) $10.5
Ethiopia (ET) $10.5
Gabon (GA) $10.5
Guinea (GN) $10.5
Mozambique (MZ) $10.5
Rwanda (RW) $10.5
Senegal (SN) $10.5
Eswatini (SZ) $10.5
Togo (TG) $10.5
United Republic of Tanzania (TZ) $10.5
Zambia (ZM) $10.5
Chad (TD) $10.5
United Arab Emirates (AE) $56 $350 $420 $1295
Libya (LY) $14 $42 $112 $420
Angola (AO) $7 $28 $70 $350
Antigua and Barbuda (AG) $17.5 $35 $112 $420
Armenia (AM) $10.5 $31.5 $105 $273
Aruba (AW) $17.5 $35 $112 $420
Bilize (BZ) $17.5 $35 $112 $420
Bhutan (HT) $10.5 $42 $112 $504
Burundi (BI) $7 $28 $70 $350
Comoros (KM) $21 $49 $112 $350
Congo (CG) $7 $28 $70 $350
Dominica (DM) $17.5 $35 $112 $420
El Salvador (SV) $17.5
Equatorial Guinea (GQ) $7 $28 $70 $350
Eritrea (ER) $7
Gambia (GM) $7
Grenada (GD) $17.5 $35 $112 $420
Guernsey (GG) $10.5 $31.5 $105 $273
Guinea-Bissau (GW) $7 $28 $70 $350
Honduras (HN) $17.5 $35 $112 $420
Isle of Man (IM) $7 $28 $70 $350
Jamaica (JM) $14 $42 $112 $420
Jersey (JE) $7 $28 $70 $350
Kyrgyzstan (KG) $10.5 $31.5 $105 $273
Lao People's Democratic Republic (LA) $14 $42 $140 $595
Lesotho (LS) $10.5 $28 $63 $280
Liberia (LR) $7 $28 $70 $350
Macao (MO) $31.5 $175 $280 $595
Madagascar (MG) $7 $28 $70 $350
Malawi (MW) $7 $28 $70 $350
Mauritania (MR) $21 $49 $112 $350
Montenegro (ME) $10.5 $31.5 $105 $273
Montserat (MS) $17.5 $35 $112 $420
Nauru (NR) $7 $28 $70 $350
Niger (NE) $7 $28 $70 $350
Panama (PA) $17.5 $35 $112 $420
Papua New Guinea (PG) $7 $28 $70 $350
Saint Kitts and Nevis (KN) $17.5 $35 $112 $420
Saint Lucia (LC) $17.5 %35 $112 $420
Sao Tome and Principe (ST) $7 $28 $70 $350
Serbia (RS) $10.5 $31 $105 $273
Sierra Leone (SL) $7 $28 $70 $350
Solomon Islands (SB) $7 $28 $70 $350
Suriname (SR) $17.5 $35 $112 $420
Timor-Leste (TL) $7 $28 $70 $350
Tonga (TO) $7 $28 $70 $350

GEO: World Wide
eCPC 6.9314
Hold period 30
Banners Yes
Deeplinking No
Promocodes No
CR 0
Cookie lifetime 180day(s)
Landing pages Yes
XML/CSV feed No

Traffic restrictions

Paid search (Brand) Forbidden
PPC (no brand) Allow
SEO Allow
Emails Allow
Popunder/Clickunder Forbidden
Reachmedia Forbidden
Teaser Networks Allow
Retargeting Forbidden
Display Traffic Allow
Google Display Allow
Coupons Allow
Cashbacks Allow
Incentive Allow
Social Media Allow
Websites Allow
Context ads Allow
Re-brokering Allow
Push Notification Allow
Native ads Allow
Facebook Display Forbidden
Doorways Allow
Toolbar Allow



Requirements for clients acquired by Affiliates:

Partners will be paid for clients who have an FTD value of USD 10* or more and have fulfilled all qualifying criteria. The payout is segmented based on the value of the FTD, and the country of registration.

*The minimum permissible deposit for clients in Vietnam is USD 15

Please use China Landing page when promoting for China region

The requirements for the clients acquired by our Affiliate Partners are as follows:

1)The minimum permissible First Time Deposit (FTD) is USD 10*.

2)Clients must show sufficient trading activity to support the deposit made.

Target Conversion Rates (CRs):