New offer launched: Samsung [CPS] IN India Affiliate Program

Details of the offer

Samsung [CPS] IN logo
Samsung [CPS] IN:

Sale - 2.00%

SALE (APP) - 2.00%

GEO: India
eCPC 0.0000
Hold period 96
Banners Yes
Deeplinking Yes
Promocodes Yes
CR 0.84
Cookie lifetime 30day(s)
Landing pages No
XML/CSV feed No

Traffic restrictions

Paid search (Brand) Forbidden
PPC (no brand) Forbidden
SEO Forbidden
Emails Allow
Popunder/Clickunder Forbidden
Reachmedia Forbidden
Teaser Networks Forbidden
Retargeting Forbidden
Display Traffic Forbidden
Google Display Forbidden
Coupons Forbidden
Cashbacks Allow
Incentive Forbidden
Social Media Allow
Websites Allow
Context ads Forbidden
Re-brokering Forbidden
Push Notification Forbidden
Native ads Forbidden
Facebook Display Forbidden
Doorways Forbidden
Toolbar Forbidden


Company Description : Samsung Group  is a South Korean multinational conglomerate headquartered in Samsung Town, Seoul.It comprises numerous affiliated businesses,most of them united under the Samsung brand, and is the largest South Korean chaebol.Samsung was founded by Lee Byung-chul in 1938 as a trading company. Over the next three decades, the group diversified into areas including food processing, textiles, insurance, securities and retail. Samsung entered the electronics industry in the late 1960s and the construction and shipbuilding industries in the mid-1970s; these areas would drive its subsequent growth. Following Lee's death in 1987, Samsung was separated into four business groups – Samsung Group, Shinsegae Group, CJ Group and Hansol Group. Since 1990, Samsung has increasingly globalised its activities and electronics; in particular, its mobile phones and semiconductors have become its most important source of income.
Campaign Description : - Samsung allowing its affiliates to promote the campaign on CPS (COST PER SALE) model in which allowed promotion methods are selected under traffic source, the campaign can be promoted pan India in which good quality of traffic is required.